Welcome to the blog for Linda Sommer.

My Blog will cover three subjects:


Every day I spend time with the Lord in the morning and He speaks to my heart words that are encouraging, exhorting and sometimes rebuking.

At first, I felt not to share these words with others, but then I realized I am just one of His followers. There are many people who need a word daily from the Lord, but they do not have the time to seek Him. This is why I decided to share the words I received from time to time. The messages are in first person as the the Lord relayed them to my spirtual ears.

We have three sons and nine grandchildren. There is something new happening all the time in the Sommer family. I will post some of these events of interest.

Tom and I have traveled the world. To find out more about our ministry you may consult our webpage -
I will keep you updated on future speaking enagements and ministry developments.

Monday, September 10, 2012


David wrote, "Bless the LORD oh My soul, and all that is within Me bless His Holy name.  I know that sometimes you wonder why you need to bless Me because I am always blessed.  I do not need you to bless Me, but you need to bless Me.  As you bless and praise My name, you will receive blessings.  As you bless Me, you can recall all My benefits.  David listed these benefits:

The LORD forgives all of our iniquities; heals all of our diseases; redeems our life from destruction; crowns us with lovingkindness and tender mercies; satisfies our mouths with good things; renews our youth; executes righteousness and gives justice to the oppressed; makes known His ways to us;  is slow to anger and abounds in mercy; does not deal with us according to our sins or punish us according to our iniquities; shows great mercy towards the lowly; removes our transgressions as far as the east is from the west.  He also  pities His children and remembers that we are dust and continually gives us His enduring mercy.  He gives His righteousness to us because we fear.Him and also to our children and their children. He keeps covenant and He sends His angels to do His pleasure and to minister to us when we voice His Word.

Bless Me today by speaking these benefits that I freely give you.  I love to hear you rehearse My Word.


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