Welcome to the blog for Linda Sommer.

My Blog will cover three subjects:


Every day I spend time with the Lord in the morning and He speaks to my heart words that are encouraging, exhorting and sometimes rebuking.

At first, I felt not to share these words with others, but then I realized I am just one of His followers. There are many people who need a word daily from the Lord, but they do not have the time to seek Him. This is why I decided to share the words I received from time to time. The messages are in first person as the the Lord relayed them to my spirtual ears.

We have three sons and nine grandchildren. There is something new happening all the time in the Sommer family. I will post some of these events of interest.

Tom and I have traveled the world. To find out more about our ministry you may consult our webpage -
I will keep you updated on future speaking enagements and ministry developments.

Thursday, October 31, 2013


I know that sometimes you do not feel equipped to do My will.  When you have those feelings, remember that the same power that raised Me from the dead dwells in your mortal body.  My Holy Spirit has everything you need to equip you to do the work that I have ordained you to do.

My Spirit equips you with the Spirit of wisdom and understanding, might and counsel, knowledge and the fear of the Lord.  My Spirit is able to kindle the flame within you to keep you moving in My way and My will.  However, it is up to you to fan that flame so that it keeps burning brightly.

You ask, "How can I fan that flame within Me?"  Only three things are required of you to keep My light within you burning brightly.  Those three things are abide in Me by communing with Me all the day long; abide in My Word by reading and heeding My Word; and abide in My love by receiving and giving My love to others.

ISAIAH 11:2; ROMANS 8:11

Tuesday, October 29, 2013


I came to give you life and to give it to you more abundantly.   Many interpret My words to mean that I will give them an abundance of riches and material things.  The abundance that I offer is not an abundance of worldly things.  Although, I have promised that if you seek first My kingdom and My righteousness, your daily needs will be met.  Those needs are clothing, food, and shelter.

The abundant living that I can give you far exceeds just meeting physical needs or giving material things.  The abundance that I offer you is found only as you seek My kingdom first.  My kingdom does not consist of food and drink.  My kingdom is filled with My righteousness, My peace, and joy in My Spirit.

When you seek Me first and My kingdom, you will experience peace and joy even when you go through trials.  When you are aware that you are living in My kingdom as well as this world, you can be of good cheer because I have already overcome the world.

JOHN 10:10, 16:33; MATTHEW 6:33-34; ROMANS 14:17

Monday, October 28, 2013


It is natural for people to seek ways to pleasure themselves.  I created them with the desire to enjoy My creation.  I created the five senses to be pleasure points in the body that can receive the sensational and beautiful world I created.  However, since the Fall, the world you live in has become polluted, and so many seek pleasure in ways that do not glorify Me.

I long for everyone to enjoy My Kingdom during their lifetimes.  My Kingdom is not polluted.  It is filled with peace, joy, and beauty.  It is My Father's good pleasure to give you the Kingdom.  The good news is that once you have entered My Kingdom by believing in Me, you can experience the pleasures of My Kingdom no matter what is happening in the world around you.

In My presence is fullness of joy and pleasures for ever more.  Enjoy My Kingdom today as you experience My presence with you moment by moment.

PSALM 16:11; LUKE 12:32; ROMANS 14:17

Sunday, October 27, 2013


People who live in your age often jump to conclusions when they see all that is happening in the world.  They often forget that all the conclusions to events are found in My Word.  To find the rest of the story, all they need to do is look into My Word.

I am the ultimate conclusion to everything in this world.  The plan of My Father is simple.  He plans to gather in one all things in Me, both that are in heaven and that are on earth; even in Me.  I have revealed My Father's plan to My beloved, so those who believe in Me never have to jump to conclusions when they see the world spinning wildly to disaster.

Take comfort that you are in Me and I am in you.  You do know the rest of the story.  I have revealed it to you so that you can rest in the presence of My love for all eternity.


Saturday, October 26, 2013


When I created you, I created you with a divine imagination.  You are able to have images come across the screen of your mind throughout the day.  I created you with the ability to imagine because this ability will help you to better worship Me.  You cannot see Me with your physical eyes, but you can see Me with your mind.

Since creation, My enemy has sought to pollute your imagination.  He wants to crowd out the images that I give you with his wicked, worldly images.  This is why you need to be ever on the alert to pull down every vain imagination in  your mind by taking it captive and giving it to Me.  You are not capable of cleansing your mind.   

The moment you have an image in your mind that is worldly, think immediately about My obedience.  Understand that only I can overcome your flesh and the images My enemy gives you.  However, for the cleansing process to begin you need to do two things - give those images to Me and then abide in My Word.  My Word will renew and cleanse your mind of all pollution.


Friday, October 25, 2013


I know how you dread the physical screenings that you have to endure at the request of your physicians.  I also know how relieved you are when you find out there is no problem with you physically.  Never take your good health for granted.

I am the "Great Physician," and you never have to fear when I screen you for spiritual health.  There is nothing hidden from My eyes that pierce through your inner being like laser beams.  When I screen your inner being, I see Me within your heart.  I see you perfect and complete in Me.  Yes, you do
fall short of My glory at times, but this never deters Me from seeing My righteousness within you.

As you behold Me day by day, you will grow more like Me.  Keep your eyes fixed on Me, and your spiritual health will always be excellent.  Your health will prosper as your soul prospers.

3 JOHN 2

Thursday, October 24, 2013


Every day I want you to drink in My Holy Spirit just the way you drink a glass a water.  Breathe in deeply and allow My Spirit to anoint you with a fresh anointing.  My anointing does abide in you continually, but daily you need to be refreshed by My Holy Spirit.

Daily you need the Spirit of wisdom and understanding, counsel and might, and knowledge and the fear of the Lord to invade your inner person.  I have given you a way to refresh yourself all during the day.  That way is to pray in the Spirit  through out the day.  When you do this, you will be energized to do those things that you need to do during the day.

Take time to recognize My presence with you, and absorb My presence just like that fresh glass of water is absorbed into your physical body.  Drinking water to quench your physical thirst is important, but even more important is drinking My Holy Spirit and allowing the water of My Word to refresh absorb, and nourish you.

ISAIAH 11:2; 28;11-12

Wednesday, October 23, 2013


I want you to be aware of the times, places, and people you meet every day.  I have plans for you each day, and those plans are good.  They are not evil.  Those plans are designed to give you a purpose, a hope, and an expected end.  However, to accomplish those plans, you must be aware of My presence with you moment by moment.

Faith can only operate in the present moment.  This is why I want you to be aware of My presence with you moment by moment.  Know that I will help you share My good news with those you meet during the day.  Know that I will put you in the right place at the right time so that My glory will be manifested through what you say and what you do.

Awareness of My presence with you will help you to not be overwhelmed by the things that are occurring in the world during this present hour.  Keep your focus on Me, not yourself.  In My presence is fullness of joy and in My right hand are pleasures for evermore.  You will have a joyful day today as you are constantly aware of My presence with you.


Tuesday, October 22, 2013


Humility is a character quality that I long to see in My beloved.  I called Moses My friend and talked with him face to face because he was a meek, humble man,.  Yes, he had his complaints, but he poured them all out to Me.  I was against the Children of Israel because they complained to one another.  When you complain to others, you are murmuring, and you know what happened to the children of Israel because of their constant murmuring.

You humble yourself before Me when you have a teachable Spirit.  You humble yourself before Me when you cast all of your cares upon Me because you know with great assurance that I care about you.  You humble yourself before Me when you see me as I see you.  You are righteous in My sight.

Every morning humble yourself before Me by talking with Me about your every care and by reading My Word with a teachable spirit.  Spend time with Me and allow Me to tell you how much I love you.  The character quality of humility will then be formed in you.

1 PETER 5:6; NUMBERS 12:3

Monday, October 21, 2013


Ever since the "Fall" of mankind in the garden, people have been stumbling and falling.  It is easy to stumble and fall when you are walking in a dark place.  This world is getting darker and darker, and many believers are falling away from the pure truth of My good news.  Just as Paul wrote Timothy,
so many have become lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God.

I am the light of this world and only as you walk in the light of My love day by day will My Spirit be able to keep you from falling.  I have called you to be a light shining in the midst of this darkness.
As you allow My light within you shine before men, you will be able to help others in My body from falling by giving in to their own lusts..

The good news is that as the world grows darker, those who remain faithful to Me will grow brighter and brighter until that Day when I return.  Keep shining and I will brighten your steps and brighten your path as you go about your daily tasks.  You will have no fear of falling or failing Me.  I am able to keep that which you have committed Me from falling against that Day.

1 TIMOTHY 4:1; MATTHEW 5:16;

Sunday, October 20, 2013


My Holy Spirit delights when you follow through with the gentle impressions He places on your inner person throughout the day.  I have given you two sets of ears - physical and spiritual ears.  You have to be intentional to tune into the leading of My Holy Spirit with your spiritual ears.  With all the noise of the world around you, sometimes it is difficult to hear His still, quiet voice.

As much as possible, keep worldly noise at a low volume today.  Be sensitive to the gentle impressions My Spirit gives you, and then ask for His anointing and power to follow through on those impressions.

You are a co-laborer with Me, and there is still much to do in My Kingdom while you  are on earth.  When you read My Word, allow My Spirit to interpret and teach you what I want you to glean from My Word each day.  My Spirit longs to instruct and correct you through My Word.  Today, make it your goal to open your spiritual ears to all that My Spirit wants to tell you.

JOHN 14:16-17, 16:13-14

Saturday, October 19, 2013


Many of My beloved have not received the full assurance of their salvation.  They feel this way because they still think that they can earn the free gift of salvation that I gave them over 2,000 years ago.  They do not realize that I came to give them life and life more abundantly.  My enemy enjoys giving my beloved doubts even about whether or not they are saved.

Once you have truly given your heart to Me, and you have believed that I lived, that I died to forgive you of all of your sins, and that I was resurrected, you can rest assured that My Holy Spirit came to dwell within you.  My Holy Spirit within you is the guarantee that you will spend eternity with Me.

Pray for those who do not yet have the full assurance of their salvation.  Ask My Holy Spirit to reveal to them the truth that by grace they were saved through faith, not of works that they have done. Salvation was My gift to them.  Once that gift has been received by faith, it will never be taken away from them.


Friday, October 18, 2013


When something is refined, all the impurities and imperfections are removed and the person or object being refined is improved.  It is true that you are being changed from glory to glory as you behold Me.  You are being refined by My Holy Spirit daily to be more like Me in your actions and in your speech.

Remember always, that My Father sees you complete in Me.  You are cloaked in My righteousness, and there is nothing you can do to make yourself more righteous in the sight of My Father.  At the same time, My Spirit longs for you to daily submit yourself to Him so that He can have free access to your flesh.  It is your flesh that sometimes blocks My glory from shining brightly through you.

My Father commanded the light to shine out of darkness into your heart to give you the light of the knowledge of His glory in My very face.  However, you do have this treasure in your earthen vessel so that the excellency of My power might be displayed through you.  Only My power, My Spirit, can deal with the imperfections in your flesh.  Submit yourself today to His refining process.

COLOSSIANS 2:10; 2 CORINTHIANS 3:18, 4:6-7

Thursday, October 17, 2013


Deception is one of My enemy's favorite weapons that he uses against My beloved.  I said that he (the devil) was a liar and the father of lies.  He twists the truth.  He even twisted the truths of My Word when he tempted Me in the wilderness.

Your only defense and offense against receiving Satan's lying thoughts is to so fill your mind with the truths of My Word that you can recognize immediately the lying thoughts that Satan sends you.
You wear the helmet of salvation when you consistently read and heed My Word day by day. 

Just before I left My disciples, I prayed, "Sanctify them through Your truth: Your Word is truth."    I prayed that prayer not only for My disciples when I lived on earth, but also for all those who would believe on Me through their word.  Do not let a day go by without reading My Word.  My Word has keeping power.

JOHN 8:44, 17:17

Wednesday, October 16, 2013


Every day you are faced with decisions.  I love it when you ask Me for wisdom before you make these decisions.  It is My joy to give you wisdom even about the little decisions you have to make in a day's time.

As you study My Word, you will discover that when individuals failed to ask Me for wisdom, the results ended in disaster.  You will never be indecisive when you remember that I am all wisdom and that you can draw from the well springs of My wisdom daily.

Today, try asking Me for wisdom even for the small decisions you have to make, and you will see good results from those decisions throughout the day.


Tuesday, October 15, 2013


When you set your affections on things that are above instead of worldly things, your thoughts will be pure, lovely, virtuous, and of good report.  It is so easy for your mind to get into a whirlwind of "What if?" thoughts.  The flesh part of you wants to figure things out, but when you stop leaning on your own understanding, you will be able to partake of My peace.

My friend Paul exhorted all those who believe in Me  to not be anxious about anything.  He also shared that when you replace worry thoughts with thoughts that are true, honest, just, pure, lovely virtuous, praise worthy and of good report, My peace will guard both your heart and your mind.

Fill your mind with thoughts of Me, and there will be no room in your mind for worry thoughts.


Monday, October 14, 2013


I am grateful that you have learned to make your requests known to Me with thanksgiving.  This is the secret to believing and receiving prayer.  When you thank Me ahead of time before you see the answer to your prayer manifested on earth, I rejoice because I know that you then have confidence not only that I have heard your prayer, but also that I have answered it.  The answer may not come right away, but you can trust My timing to be according to My will.

You have learned to pray the promise instead of the problem.  However, there are conditions to many of My promises.  You only have to fulfill three conditions for you to enjoy receiving My promises.
The three conditions are to abide in Me, abide in My word, and abide in My love.  I exhorted My disciples to do these three things before I left them to return to My Father.

When you are abiding in Me, My Word, and My love, the prayers that you pray will be according to My will.  John wrote that you can have strong confidence that I not only hear your prayers, but I also will answer them because you pray prayers that are according to My will.

PHILLIPIANS 4:6-7; 1 JOHN 5:14-16

Saturday, October 12, 2013


One of the most difficult fruits in the Spirit to develop is self-control.  The fruits of the Spirit are cultivated, and it takes time and discipline to produce this fruit.  However, remember that you have the help of My Holy Spirit whenever you call out My name. 

When you feel out of control, simply speak My name, and My Spirit will help you overcome the temptation to lose control.  My enemy loves to put pressure on you.  He hopes that you will say and do things that will harm others when you are under pressure.  He wants to use your mouth to wound even those who are closest to you.

Be on the alert constantly to the ways of the enemy.  When you are under pressure and about to say and do things that do not display the fruit of love, take just a moment to call upon My name.  There is power in My name to dispel the attempts of the enemy to make you lose control.

GALATIANS 5:22-23; 2 PETER 1:2-11

Friday, October 11, 2013


Often young women dream about their wedding day.  They see themselves dressed in a beautiful gown,  They imagine that handsome future bridegroom waiting for them as they float down the isle to meet their bridegroom to say their vows to one another.  They forget that marriage is more than a ceremony.  It is a covenant between the bride and bridegroom.

I do not mind your dreaming about the day when I will come for My bride.  You look forward to that day.  It is true that My second coming will be exciting and the marriage supper I  have prepared for you will be extraordinary.  However, I want your focus to be on My presence with you moment by moment. 

Faith can only work in the "now," and now there is much for you to do to further My Kingdom while there is still time.  I want you to daily focus on My presence with you right now.  Ask My Spirit to use you to be a witness to everyone you encounter today.  Remember that whoever is in your presence at the moment is someone who I want to touch with My presence.


Thursday, October 10, 2013


Your steps are ordered by Me, and I always delight in the way that you are going.  I go before you, and I also am your rear guard.  My Holy Spirit stands beside you day by day to lead and guide you into all truth.  As you read My Word, My Spirit will give you direction and wisdom.

I am your "Good Shepherd," and I lead you in paths of righteousness for My name's sake.  I delight in you when you are traveling that path of righteousness.  You travel that path when you trust in Me with all your heart. 

I am the "Way, the Truth, and the Life."  When you travel My Way, you can know with full assurance that I will put you in the right place at the right time.  Look forward today to walking the path that I have already prepared for you this day.

PROVERBS 16:9; PSALM 37:23

Wednesday, October 9, 2013


You live in an age when you almost need to carry identification papers everywhere you go.  You do not need to have any identification to prove who you are to Me.  I knew you from the foundation of the earth.  Your name is written on the palms of My hands.  You are known not only to Me, but all of heaven knows you.  Even demons know you.  Remember when the seven brothers of Sce'va were trying to cast out the demons in someone, and they said, "Paul I know; but who are you?" 

You never have to fear that demons know you because there are definitely more angels with the knowledge of you than there are demons.  I am the captain of the Heavenly Hosts, and I am able to send angels to rescue you whenever you call on My name.

Angels hearken to the voice of My Word when it is spoken through you.  Call on My name, praise Me in song with scriptural songs, and worship Me throughout the day.  When you do this faith fully, moment by moment, My angels will always be near to help you.


Tuesday, October 8, 2013


Retribution is reward or punishment given for past actions.  My heart is always to reward you, not to punish you.  I bore the punishment for your sins when I died to forgive you of all of your sins - past, present, and future.

The rewards you will receive in heaven will be based upon the righteous works that you have allowed Me to accomplish through you.  You will be judged for reward, not punishment.

You do not have to be afraid of seeing Me face to face.  I will embrace you and receive you to Myself with no condemnation in My heart at all for your past failures.  I will only see the works that I accomplished through you and those works are eternal.  Look forward to My soon return, and in the meantime, yield yourself to Me day by day.  There are still many works I desire to accomplish through you.  Keep close to Me, listen to My Spirit, and ask for the power of My Spirit to accomplish those works.