Welcome to the blog for Linda Sommer.

My Blog will cover three subjects:


Every day I spend time with the Lord in the morning and He speaks to my heart words that are encouraging, exhorting and sometimes rebuking.

At first, I felt not to share these words with others, but then I realized I am just one of His followers. There are many people who need a word daily from the Lord, but they do not have the time to seek Him. This is why I decided to share the words I received from time to time. The messages are in first person as the the Lord relayed them to my spirtual ears.

We have three sons and nine grandchildren. There is something new happening all the time in the Sommer family. I will post some of these events of interest.

Tom and I have traveled the world. To find out more about our ministry you may consult our webpage -
I will keep you updated on future speaking enagements and ministry developments.

Friday, September 27, 2013


I have seen you press the pause button on your remote when you have to leave a movie on TV.  We did not have such inventions when I walked on earth.  However, My life was very much like a movie.  My Father was the director and I was the One who was on the scene to display His glory to the world.  I was not acting, but I did pause continually throughout the day to ask My Father what He wanted Me to do.

As I was in the world, so are you.  I desire for you to display My glory daily.  However, in order to do that, you need to be completely dependent upon My Holy Spirit as He directs your day.  He is always waiting for you to ask for His help.  When you pause to ask Him what you should do next, He will be faithful to direct you.

Press the pause button on the movie of your life moment by moment.  In Me you live and move and have your being.  As you pause just a few minutes to consult My Spirit before you do the next thing, you will be amazed at how your days will flow and how you will always be at the right time at the right place.

ACTS 17:28

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