Welcome to the blog for Linda Sommer.

My Blog will cover three subjects:


Every day I spend time with the Lord in the morning and He speaks to my heart words that are encouraging, exhorting and sometimes rebuking.

At first, I felt not to share these words with others, but then I realized I am just one of His followers. There are many people who need a word daily from the Lord, but they do not have the time to seek Him. This is why I decided to share the words I received from time to time. The messages are in first person as the the Lord relayed them to my spirtual ears.

We have three sons and nine grandchildren. There is something new happening all the time in the Sommer family. I will post some of these events of interest.

Tom and I have traveled the world. To find out more about our ministry you may consult our webpage -
I will keep you updated on future speaking enagements and ministry developments.

Sunday, October 6, 2024


My Father had the plan of redemption in mind even before the earth was formed.  He knew ahead of time what would happen when mankind chose to disobey Him.

My Father also knew that Satan existed and that he would be successful in seducing Adam and Eve into disobeying Him.  My Father loved the world so much that He gave Me to redeem the world.

My servant Peter wrote that you and those who believe in Me would be redeemed, not with things that are corruptible, but with My precious, sinless blood that I shed when I died on the tree. Give Him thanks.

1 PETER 1:18-19

Friday, October 4, 2024


It is so important as you approach your next election to be of one mind and one heart.  There are so many divisions in My body on earth.  The spirit behind those divisions is the spirit of anti-Christ.

There also is great division in families at this time.  You must be aware that Satan's strategy is always to divide and conquer.

As you approach the election of government officials, lay aside your differences and pray from your heart for righteous leaders to be chosen.  Discussing differences will avail nothing, but prayer will avail much.


Wednesday, October 2, 2024


You can hear My Word, read My Word, and you can even hide My Word in your heart by memorizing it. However, unless you heed My Word, you will  never experience the blessings of My Word

Ask My Holy Spirit to help you daily to put My Word into action in your life.  My Word instructs you how to both speak and do what is pleasing in My sight.

I know you want to please Me daily.  As you hear My Word with your spiritual ears today, think of ways that you can impart My Word to others. 

PSALM 119:9