Welcome to the blog for Linda Sommer.

My Blog will cover three subjects:


Every day I spend time with the Lord in the morning and He speaks to my heart words that are encouraging, exhorting and sometimes rebuking.

At first, I felt not to share these words with others, but then I realized I am just one of His followers. There are many people who need a word daily from the Lord, but they do not have the time to seek Him. This is why I decided to share the words I received from time to time. The messages are in first person as the the Lord relayed them to my spirtual ears.

We have three sons and nine grandchildren. There is something new happening all the time in the Sommer family. I will post some of these events of interest.

Tom and I have traveled the world. To find out more about our ministry you may consult our webpage -
I will keep you updated on future speaking enagements and ministry developments.

Saturday, August 31, 2024


 David wrote: "The angel of the LORD encamps round about those who fear Him, and delivers them (Psalm 34:7)."

David had many times when he was afraid.  His life was one of fight and flight. He also wrote: "What times I am afraid, I will trust in the LORD.

He knew He could trust Me because I promised him that I would always be with Him because he trusted in Me and He feared Me by having an awesome respect for My power and an obedient heart to obey Me.

PSALM 34:7

Thursday, August 29, 2024


I am the "Nevertheless God."  Some time take time to underline the many times in both the New Testament and Old Testament that the word, "nevertheless," appears.

David wrote: "My lovingkindness will I not utterly take from him, nor suffer My faithfulness to fail (Psalm 89:33).

Peter wrote: "Nevertheless we, according to His promise, look for new heavens and a new earth, wherein dwells righteousness (2 Peter 3:13)." Most every "nevertheless" reveals My mercy and lovingkindness."

PSALM 89:33; 2 PETER 3:13

Wednesday, August 28, 2024


I want you to remember that I have already spoiled principalities and powers, and I have made a show of them openly, triumphing over them in it.

After an army won a great victory, they often had a parade after their victory.  The prisoners they had captured were bound in chains and walked at the end of this triumphant parade.

I want you to have that picture in your mind.  I have already won the battle when I died on the cross. The victory is yours now. You now can use the Sword of the Spirit, My Word, to appropriate what I have done.


Tuesday, August 27, 2024


When I walked on earth I said that if a kingdom or a house was divided that it could not stand.  The spirit of anti-Christ has the assignment to cause division in homes, kingdoms, and nations.

This spirit is at work right now in your beloved country and all over the world.  Bind that spirit of anti-Christ and curse its fruit of division.  

Pray for oneness of mind and heart to be established first in your homes.  Nations begin with families. So many families do not even have both parents. Many children are fatherless.  Pray against the strategy of the enemy which is to divide and conquer.

MARK 3:24-25

Monday, August 26, 2024


So many all over the world are fleeing to safe places because of the many wars that are now happening in the world.  Many of the refugees do not know that I am their only safe place.

Pray for these refugees and the laborers who are praying for them and those who are sharing My good news with them.

When you are overwhelmed by the darkness that has entered your own nation, focus your thoughts on Me.  I am your refuge and strength in these troubled times.

PSALM 59:16

Sunday, August 25, 2024


Many people believe that people are born good.  They look at their precious new born babies, and they cannot imagine that such an innocent baby could ever be rebellious. 

Ever since Adam and Eve ate from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, they could choose to do good or evil. That sinful, rebellious nature was passed on to Adam and Eve's first born son and then to us. 

Infants are very self-centered  and rebellious. They will remain that way until they receive My nature within their hearts. I was the only human  born good because I was God in the flesh and My Father is always good.

ISAIAH 7:14-15

Saturday, August 24, 2024


You have seen the gatherings of two political parties.  There are many gatherings of people who are against My Jewish brothers and sisters. Those gatherings are spreading throughout the world.

Many of those who have gathered together against Me are under the seduction of the anti-Christ spirit that is very active in your day. There were many gathered against Me when I walked on earth. 

I said to them, "He who is not with Me is against Me; and he who gathers not with Me scatters abroad.  Pray against the wicked spirit of anti-Christ that is spreading and causing many to turn against Me.


Friday, August 23, 2024


There is no question that I do try people's faith.  When John had His revelation, I complimented the church at Philadelphia because that church had kept the word of My patience.

I promised that church that  I would keep them from the hour of temptation that would come upon all the  world, to try those who dwell upon the earth.

My prayer is that you and those who are sincere believers in Me and My power will also be victorious whenever their faith is tried.  They will be victorious as they completely depend upon My Holy Spirit.



You live in a culture now that has little time to be still and know that I am God.  It takes quality time with Me to get to know Me.

There will be many at the end of time who will stand before Me.  They will tell Me the mighty things that they have done in My name.  My response to those will be "Depart from Me you workers of iniquity. I never knew you."

Many claim to know Me, but so many have no relationship with Me at all.  Those who truly know Me love Me.  Pray for those who claim to be followers of Me, but they only use My name for gain.

LUKE 13:17

Wednesday, August 21, 2024


There are so many things that are a concern to you now.  I want you to cast all those cares upon Me. I want you to believe the promise My servant David wrote about.

David also had so many cares, but He knew that I heard his prayers and he believed that I cared enough to help him with every concern that he had.

He wrote: "The LORD will perfect those things that concern me.  Your mercy, O LORD, endures forever: forsake not the works of Your own hands (Psalm 138:8)

PSALM 138:8

Tuesday, August 20, 2024


When soldiers are given the orders to retreat, their commander usually says, "Fall back."  You belong to a huge army of saints who kept moving forward in faith.

Faith always moves forward.  There is no turning back.  Faith only operates in the present moment.   You need to listen to My Spirit as He guides you in that moment.

My Spirit is faithful to both show you what to do and what to say every moment of the day.  Daily train yourself to hear My Spirit tell you what to do each moment of the day and your day will be fruitful.

HEBREWS 10:38-39

Monday, August 19, 2024


I know that you like to hear the sound of My voice before you hear any other voices.  I speak to you in the still, quiet voice of My Holy Spirit within you.

The day will come that you will hear My loud voice.  The sound of My voice then will be like the sound of a trumpet. It will also be like the sound of many waters.

Until that day, keep praying for My Holy Spirit to speak to you daily.  Pray that those who have never heard My voice within them to be born again of My Spirit.  They will then be daily guided by My Spirit.

REVELATIONS 1:10, 14:2

Sunday, August 18, 2024


My promise is that if you will draw close to Me, I will draw close to you.  Of course, I am always with you.  However, there may be times when you feel I am distant.

I know that there are days when you do not feel My presence with you.  When this happens, just ask My Holy Spirit to reveal anything that might be blocking our fellowship together.

David, the psalmist, had days when he did not feel My presence.  On those days, he asked My Spirit to search his heart. There may be a sin that you need to confess to Me. I will help you re-establish our closeness together. 

JAMES 4:8; PSALM 139:23

Saturday, August 17, 2024


You are living at the beginning of a great harvest time.  This is your time to pray for souls to enter into the straight gate.

I was speaking to the multitudes from the mountain when I warned them to enter into the straight gate.

I told them that  the gate to destruction was wide and that many would enter that gate.  Pray for My Spirit to lead you to share the gospel to prepared hearts that desire to enter into My kingdom of righteousness.


Friday, August 16, 2024


Many think that the world is about to end.  Others think that the world is falling apart.  You have definitely seen darkness invading every nation in your present time.

I have chosen you to be alive at this time so that you can persevere in prayer and supplication for My beloved body throughout the world. 

Your prayers are like light beams that reach My throne room and return to earth with the power to cause My light to shine in every nation.


Wednesday, August 14, 2024


You are called to be laborers together for Me. You are My husbandry. You are My cultivation.  I have planted you as trees of righteousness.

I desire for you to have deep roots.  My servant Paul prayed that you might be rooted and grounded in My love, and that you might know the the width, the depth, height, and length of My love.

Pray daily that you will grow more each day in love with Me.  My love is everlasting and extravagant. Receive My love each day and allow Me to draw close to you.


Monday, August 12, 2024


It takes a great deal of energy to fret.  People fret for many reasons.  The main reason is that they are frustrated.  As you see the lies and the darkness enveloping the world, I do not want you to fret.

My servant David, the psalmist, had much to fret over.  He had enemies coming against him constantly and even friends betrayed him.  However, he knew the way to not fret over these evil doers.

He knew the answer to never fretting was to give every battle to Me.  I am the just God and only I have the power to know the heart of man.  Trust Me with your battles because I always win.

PSALM 37:8-9


The Ninth of Av (Tisha B' Av) is an annual day of fasting in Judaism, on which a number of disasters in Jewish history occurred. It begins at sundown on August 12 and ends on sundown August 13.

Pray for Israel as they face a possible attack from their enemies that surround them.  Pray that this war that is happening in Israel will cause many Jewish people to turn to Me.

Pray that they will know that I am in the midst of Israel, and that I am their LORD and their Messiah.  Pray that the whole world will see My might and power so that they also will know that I am God.

JOEL 2:27

Saturday, August 10, 2024


The Levitical priests had to prepare and present many offerings to Me.  Some of these offerings were the peace offering, burnt offering and sin offering.

You are a part of My royal priesthood, and there is are offerings that I desire you give Me.  Those offerings are that you love Me with all your heart, and with all understanding, and with all your soul, and with all your strength, and love your neighbor as yourself. 

Offer Me daily your body and your soul as living sacrifices to Me and give Me your willingness to love and forgive others.

MARK 12:33

Friday, August 9, 2024


Jesus is able to perform all that He has promised to us. All the promises in Jesus Christ are "Yes, and Amen."  Many of the promises of God are conditional.

If we meet the conditions, we can rest assured that Jesus will grant those promises we desire of Him.  The conditions are to abide in Him, abide in His Word and abide in His love. (John 15)

Abraham was fully persuaded that what God had promised, He was able to perform.  Our faith is not in ourselves to fulfill the promises.  Only Christ in us is able to perform those promises. 


Thursday, August 8, 2024


The whole world seems to be upside down and out of balance.  Yet, I am the One Who holds the whole world in My hands.

Solomon was inspired to write the following in Proverbs:16:11: "A just weight and balance are the LORD's: all the weights of the bag are His work".

You and all believers need to be reminded that I am over all principalities, powers. I am against the rulers of darkness in this world and spiritual wickedness in high places. I am a just God who weighs the hearts of mankind. My justice and mercy wins always over those who do evil.


Wednesday, August 7, 2024


My servant David wrote a psalm that listed all the benefits that I give to those who fear and trust Me.  One of those benefits was the removal of all transgressions.

He wrote: "For as the heaven is high above the earth, so great is His mercy toward those who fear Him. As far as the east is from the west, so far has He removed our transgressions from us (Psalm 103:11-12)."

I always show mercy to those who fear Me.  You fear Me when you stand in awe of My mighty power, and the desire to do My will and obey Me is the supreme motivation of your heart.

PSALM 103:11-12

Tuesday, August 6, 2024


My servant Paul was assigned to share the purpose of My coming. It was a mystery for many, but Paul was called to share this mystery so that the church would know the manifold wisdom of God.

The mystery is that in the dispensation of the fulness of times I will gather together in one all things unto Me, both that are in heaven, and are on earth; even in Me. 

You should rejoice that this mystery has been revealed to you by Paul and by My Word as you search the scriptures.  When you know this mystery, you will have confidence that I will accomplish this plan.


Monday, August 5, 2024


I knew My disciples would be facing great persecution.  I told them not to fear because there is nothing covered that shall not be revealed; and hid that shall not be known. Then I said:

What I tell you in darkness, that speak you in light: and what you hear in the ear, that preach you upon the housetops.

Then I said,  Not one sparrow will fall to the ground without your Father, "but the very hairs of your head are all numbered.  Fear not therefore, you are of more value than many sparrows."

MATTHEW 10:26,29-30

Saturday, August 3, 2024


My disciple Peter learned so much during his life on earth.  He began to receive My wisdom, and he challenged those who who minister to speak with My ability within them. He wrote:

"If any man speak, let him speak as the oracle of God; if any man minister, let him do it as of the ability that God gives: so that God in all things may be glorified through Jesus Christ, Who is praised and Who has dominion forever and ever. Amen (1 Peter:4:11)

Pray for teachers and preachers to speak under the anointing of My Holy Spirit.  Pray that they will rightly divide the truth of My Word.

1 PETER 4:11

Friday, August 2, 2024


The most precious offerings that you give Me are not material.  The offerings you give Me are the spiritual offerings of thanksgiving, praise and worship.

Every morning when you begin your prayers with thanksgiving, I am blessed. Your thanksgiving confirms to Me that you know I love you with an everlasting love.  Your thanksgiving often continues with praise.

Your praises lead to your worship and the songs you sing to praise and worship Me warm My heart.  I pass your thanksgivings, praises, and worship to My Father and we JOY over you with singing.